Carrie Jacobs Bond - Carrie Jacobs Bond was born on August 11, 1862 in Janesville, WI. She was married at the age of 18 to Mr. E. J. Smith with whom she had a son named Frank. After seven years they were separated. She was later married in 1887 to Dr. Frank Lewis Bond. He died in 1895. She was the owner of the publishing company, "The Bond Shop", located in Chicago. She published a collection of her songs called "Songs Everybody Sings" and a memoir titled "The Roads to Melody". Her most well known songs were "I Love You Truly" and "A Perfect Day". She died on December 8, 1946 in Glendale, CA at the age of 84. Opera star Jessie Davis helped her publish her Seven Songs Collection in 1901. Carried performed for Theodore Roosevelt, gave a recital in England with Enrico Caruso and a series of recitals in New York City. During WWI she gave concerts in Europe for U. S Army troops. In 1941 The General Federation of Women's Clubs cited her for contributions to the progress of women during the 20th Century. (This paragraph from Wikipedia online.)