Blooming Prairie - Blooming Prairie School is located in the Park of the Walworth County Fairgrounds in Elkhorn, Wisconsin. This one room schoolhouse was built in 1889 and was the first school in Walworth County. It has been restored and is currently open for students and visitors to participate in hands-on learning experiences 1889 style. Our chapter has members who live throughout Walworth County. We chose the name Blooming Prairie as a tribute to the 120 year old school in our area. Our county is also known for its carpet of blooming flowers in the springtime.
Chapter Name Blooming Prairie
Chapter Number #1472
Location WI
Number of Members 8
President Robin Staudt
300 Spring Drive
Delavan, WI 53115
Chapter Number #1472
Location WI
Number of Members 8
President Robin Staudt
300 Spring Drive
Delavan, WI 53115